Difference between revisions of "OSGeo Budget 2015"

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(→‎Expenses: Updated Expenses total)
(→‎Income: Updated Income total)
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Revision as of 07:41, 30 April 2015

DRAFT - a lot/most of the numbers here were pasted from 2014 budget, and need updating for 2015


Source Qty Unit $ 2015 Amount Notes
Foundation Sponsorships
Sustaining Sponsorships (50K) 0 50,000 0
Principal Sponsorships (20K) 0 20,000 0
Supporting Sponsorships (10K) 1 10,000 10,000 Not paid yet
Associate Sponsorships (3K) 9 3,000 27,000 lost 2 in 2012, gained 2 in 2013
FOSS4G Conferences
FOSS4G Portland 100,000
FOSS4G NA 5,000 (maybe more)
GSoC (mentorships) 13 500 6,500
GSoC mentor summit reimbursement 2,000
Total 150,500


Source Qty Unit $ 2015 Amount Notes
Bank fees (base pkg, wire fees, paypal feels, etc.) 12 75 900
Quickbooks (yearly fee, renews in Oct) 301.54
EarthClassMail (monthly pkg + charges) 12 40 480
Office supplies 100
Accounting/tax filing support 5,000
501c3 support 2,000
Other professional services (as needed) 5,000
Directors and Officers insurance 1,500
OSUOSL hosting 3,500
More hardware at OSUOSL 5,000
Domain registrations 200
SSL Cert ($1499 in 2011, every 5 years) 0
Outreach committee
General events support (starter kits, LiveDVD/USB matching funds) 10,000
OSGeo Students Award 4,000 Ica-osgeo-isprs_award
Travel expenses
GSoC Mentor Summit expenses reimbursement 2,000
ICA/OSGeo Labs Student Travel 5,000 (detailed procedures to be decided)
Yearly Board F2F 0
Strategic travel (case by case) 7,500 For example, to send an OSGeo Advocate (such as a board member) to negotiate on behalf of OSGeo at the founding of the LocationTech foundation. (This typically doesn't extend to sponsorship of OSGeo speakers at conferences).
Code Sprint Support 15,000 (approximately $10K already committed to Vienna sprint)
FOSS4G Seed Money FOSS4G seed money (inc regional events). Requires ~ $50K capital per global event of 800 attendees. Less for smaller. Seed money should be returned with a modest profit.
Other Sponsorship Opportunities 5,000 a small amount for other events
Total 72481.54
Surplus/Loss 40,664.46


  • All amounts are in US dollars.