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== Meeting Agenda ==  
== Meeting Agenda ==  
(prepared by Maelle)
(prepared by Maelle)
==== planning ====
==== Planning ====
  * Best time for next meeting(s).
  * Best time for next meeting(s).
  * When will we have our general assembly?
  * When will we have our general assembly?
  * Are there any deadline (financial report, ....)
  * Are there any deadlines (financial report, ....)
==== Strategy ====
==== Strategy ====

Revision as of 02:08, 26 January 2016

Meeting Agenda

(prepared by Maelle)


* Best time for next meeting(s).
* When will we have our general assembly?
* Are there any deadlines (financial report, ....)


* Wich topics to share with Belgian users, students, researchers, entrepreneurs,citizens,governments
* Active participation by membership & charter members ?
* Website ?
* Logo ?
* Communication (tweet, facebook, ML, meetup) ?
* Budget ?
* Partners (sponsors, OSGeo global/Europe fr/nl, Open knowledge foundation, open streetmap)

Activities to attend/organize

* Geo dev evening
* Mapping facilities for homeless people
* FOSS4G-be 2016 ?
* geospatial world forum
* OSM mapping party

Other events

* Feedback of the missing maps in Ghent 
* FOSS4G-fr, FOSS4G Bonn

Miscellaneous ?

* OSGeo Europe
* Communication with sponsors for sponsorship FOSS4G 2016