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Contributor to GRASS GIS & QGIS projects as translator, documentation writer, and whenever it's possible, support provider on french-speaking discussion lists.
Contributor to GRASS GIS & QGIS projects as translator, documentation writer, and whenever it's possible, support provider on french-speaking discussion lists.
Here some stuff that might help you to discover GRASS world (and its surroundings...)
Here's some stuff that might help you to discover GRASS world (and its surroundings...)
Documentation translations :
Documentation translations :

Revision as of 11:29, 4 December 2006

Contributor to GRASS GIS & QGIS projects as translator, documentation writer, and whenever it's possible, support provider on french-speaking discussion lists.

Here's some stuff that might help you to discover GRASS world (and its surroundings...)

Documentation translations :

- GRASS précis et concis (translation of GRASS in a nutshell by Markus Neteler)(http://www.gdf-hannover.de/media.php?id=0&lg=en#scripts)

- Tutoriel GRASS 1.2 (translation of GRASS Tutorial 1.2 by Otto Dassau, Stephan Holl, Markus Neteler, Manfred Redslob - edited by GDF Hannover)(http://www.gdf-hannover.de/media.php?id=0&lg=en#scripts)

Documentation writing :

- Web pages on GRASS 5, sort of short FAQ on how to get started with GRASS 5,(http://phytosociologue.site.voila.fr/grass/index.htm)

- Various short articles on Debian GIS, Ubuntu GIS, GRASS 6 stuff (http://www.portailsig.org/item-dossiers.html)

- GRASS 6 en français, l'herbe toujours plus verte on Géomatique Expert (Juin 2006)(http://www.geomag.fr/rev/pdf/50_52.pdf),

- GRASS 6 presentation at Colloque SIG Libres EPTGE Toulouse (30 juin 2006)(http://perso.orange.fr/sge/libre/fiche_GRASS.pdf)

Contributions to IHM and messages translations :

- GRASS 6 i18n project (w. E. Sarraco, D. Calvelo, L. Courty)(http://grass.itc.it/devel/i18n.php),

- normalization of glossary (w. J-D Guiguère, L. Courty) (http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/GRASS_Translation_Glossary feel free to complete...),

- QGIS 0.7 and 0.8 interfaces (w. L. Roubeyrie)(http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/TranslatorsCorner)