New Member Nominations 2016

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Revision as of 01:11, 9 July 2016 by Vasile (talk | contribs)
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The Charter Member nomination (part of the Election 2016) will be open from 2016-07-04 to 2015-07-18. The list of nominees for the 2016 Charter Member Election is maintained by the Chief Returning Officer (cro at This page is write protected and can only be edited by SysOps.

To submit a charter member nomination:

  • Please confirm with the nominated person first!
  • Please email with their name, country, contact email and paragraph describing why you are recommending this person as a Charter Member
  • Also, you might want to reference their OSGeo Advocate profile.

Note for admins: simple script to scrape this page to generate meaningful lines for the electronic voting system

The list of nominees will be maintained by the CRO here:

_#_ _______Name_______ _____Country_____ Notes Thread
1 Sara Safavi USA From: David Bitner

I would like to nominate Sara Safavi for OSGeo Charter Membership. Sara has been a huge developer and advocate of open source in the Austin, TX area and beyond. Sara has been an organizer for PyLadiesATX, Austin Open Source GIS, and MaptimeATX as well as participating on the FOSS4G North America organizing committee in 2016.

2 Werner Macho Austria From: Helmut Kudrnovsky

I want to nominate Werner Macho ( as OSGeo charter member for the election 2016. Reason: Werner is a long-standing active member of the QGIS community and development team (e.g. coordinating translations, helping hands in the mailing lists and much more). He will be a value addition to the OSGeo charter.
