FOSS4G2007 Workshops
Revision as of 12:43, 29 January 2007 by Wiki-Jasonbirch (talk | contribs)
FOSS4G 2007 Workshops
Committee Members
- Jeff McKenna (chair)
- Jason Birch
- Aaron Racicot
- Olivier Ertz
- Dave Patton
Call For Workshops Content
Session Title (70 chars):
Short Description (50 words):
Long Description (400 words):
Session Type:
- 3 hr lab (computers), or - 3 hr class, or - 1.5 hr lab (to run during conference) - 1.5 hr class (to run during conference)
Technical Requirements:
- Provided Windows XP workstations, or - Provided CentOS (??) VMWare machine, or - Instructor-provided LiveCD, or - N/A
User Level:
o Beginner o Advanced o Developer
User Prerequisites (platform, applications, development languages, etc...)
Presenter Name
Presenter Coordinates
Presenter Biography (200 words)
First Meeting
- date: 01/26/07
- time: 1PM PST
- IRC Channel: #foss4g2007 on (or via Web: (Log)
Workshop Duration and Scheduling
- 40 computers in the rental budget
- another 20 slated as loaners from Nanaimo
- other options? (bring-your-own etc.)
Room Availability
Call for Abstracts
- by when?
- interface for abstract submission? (something similar to FOSS4G2006's Indico?)
Software Installation
- LiveCD for Linux
- MS4W installer for Windows
- other?
- attendees come with laptops and software installed?
- local person to deal with venue's tech staff?
Questions for Organising Committee
- Number and dimension of rooms, tables (how many PCs /people can we fit in a room)
Feedback from Past Conferences (things to note)
- overcrowded workshops are bad
- registrants could possibly list their "top 4" workshop selections
- LiveCD for linux workshops very successful
- grouping workshops by room "theme" successful (MapServer room, GRASS room, ...)