Board Meeting 2020-09-28
Revision as of 02:26, 14 October 2020 by Kalxas (talk | contribs) (→GeoNode NFDI4Agriculture update)
This board meeting is scheduled Monday 28 September 2020 at 16:00 UTC through IRC, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.
Current items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes
- AGM debriefing
- FOSS4G 2021 update status
- OSGeo Virtual Code Sprint planning
- Charter member elections kick off
- ISO/TC211 - Liaison to ISO/TC 211 from OSGeo
- MOSS Codebase [1]
- OSGeo Project reviews 2020 [2]
- GeoNode NFDI4Agriculture update
- In kind contributions
- Review action items
- Presiding: Angelos
- Scribing: Astrid
- Attending: Helena, Angelos, Michael, Vicky, Astrid, Victoria, Tom
- Guests: Milena Libman, Maria Arias de Reina, Jody Garnet,
Review and approve past minutes
- Please review and vote on loomio
- Board_Meeting_2020-08-31
- Board_Meeting_2020-07-29
AGM debriefing
- Covered at the townhall meeting at the day after the AGM+
- 434 views on YouTube already
- We consider it successful as the first online/virtual AGM
- Angelos made suggestion: we should consider running such a meeting each year
- Suggestion Michael: if in person, we have more of an AGM discussion forum, but the main report is virtual
- ACTION: Victoria to help with the news article
- ACTION: Angelos to make a ticket to collect ideas for the next AGM / FOSS4G discussions (Done)
FOSS4G 2021 update status
- Maria and Malena report
- Argentina still quarantined
- LOC is close to open the ticket sales and sponsorship hunting
- Team is close to finishing touches in CFPs
- Pending issue #2511 (Mail accounts (no alias) for FOSS4G domain)
- domain for mail accounts (and then reuse those mail accounts for future LOCs)
- The final solution we found is one that would be cheap, using Amazon SES, and fixes any privacy issues, as no email history is being stored on the server. So one LOC will get a clean email from the previous LOC but people will still have the reference email to contact
- not sure if this falls on SAC or Board to approve this
- The estimated amount is hilarous (US$2/month?) but as it is a domain we as LOC don't want to make the decision
- SAC made a temporary solution creating forwarding mail accounts with general names with no year
- But the forwarding doesn't allow us to send emails, which is needed to sell tickets
- discussion was started about moving the mailing service away from mailchimp, to a cheaper one, but given the time frame, we will have to continue using mailchimp
- discussion on marketing to move or not to something different from mailchimp, but that will arrive too late for us.
MOT 1: allow LOC/SAC to use AWS SES
- Michael: +1 (initial motion)
- Angelos: +1 (seconded)
- Helena: +1
- Vicky: +1
- Victoria: +1
- Astrid: +1
- Tom: +1
- MOT1 status: passed in the meeting
- mailchimp
- ACTION next board / sac / loc to take up topic of mailchimp
- Regina and Vicky are working on the mailchimp ticket
- For the common email - Amazon SES the ticket is the one pointed (and the voting :) )
- For marketing - mailchimp there's discussion on if we should host it ourselves or what
- Around here the second discussion:
OSGeo Virtual Code Sprint planning
- virtual code sprint this year, perhaps along with OGC
- virtual code sprint could also create some sponsoring opportunities
- virtual code sprint could be connected to FOSS4G event we should announce
- ACTION: Angelos and Astrid to contact FOSS4G Korea, Japan and OGC about code sprint collaboration. (pending)
Charter member elections kick off
- no news from CRO yet
- ACTION Angelos send a reminder to Jorge to check (Done)
ISO/TC211 - Liaison to ISO/TC 211 from OSGeo
- We should start talking about how OSGeo will get involved and also about attending the plenary in November.
- If the plenary is virtual again, it would be easy for any of us to say something about OSGeo there.
- We also could present at the Standards in Action workshop
- ACTION Victoria to find out about the next plenary and then bring it to the next meeting.
MOSS Codebase
- Bord list e-mail
- Idea to store the code on gitea and mirror to github
- Add project page and mark it as "Heritage"
MOT2: Add an OSGeo heritage project type on web site and add MOSS under this category
- Angelos: +1 (initial motion)
- Michael: +1 (seconded)
- Helena: +1
- Victoria: +1
- Vicky: +1
- Astrid: : +1
- Tom: +1
- MOT2 status: open, moved to Loomio
OSGeo Project reviews 2020
- Ticket on Gitea
- Ticket to track project reports for 2020
- also ask for Code of Conduct and the OSGeo project logo on the website
- ACTION: Angelos to update project report ticket and ask projects to report code of conduct and logo (pending)
GeoNode NFDI4Agriculture update
- not update yet.
- ACTION: Astrid, Till connect with Florian Holdt (pending)
In kind contributions
- Discussion about in Kind sponsors see irc log
- No decision at this meeting