Public Geospatial Data Project
Revision as of 12:50, 16 February 2006 by Wiki-Adoyle (talk | contribs) (refactoring within the page)
The Public Geospatial Data Project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation is currently in the "definition phase". That means that we're in the process of putting together information about the kinds of things we could do, which organizations might be relevant, how the project might be structured, etc. Since the entire OSGeo is new, we're really working out the process for starting a non-software based project as we go.
Likely scenario
- Information gathering
- Develop list of potential participants
- Invite people/organizations to express interest
- Discuss potential charter (is there an "official" OSGeo name for this?)
- Present charter to OSGeo Board for approval (or do the members also get to vote on it?)
- Charter should probably have "Terms of Reference" - i.e. what the group will do
- Charter should probably have an initial list of participants/organizations (not all need to be members)
- Charter should name a Chair and a Vice Chair (or co-chairs?) (must proposed chair already be a member or can s/he become a member by virtue of being part of this?)
- Assuming project is approved - Get to work!
Existing Work
Geo Data Licenses
Geo Data Repositories / Group Collection Projects
Geo Data Policy Advocacy
- Public Geodata Project with the support of the Open Knowledge Foundation
- Open Access to State-Collected Geospatial Data Manifesto