FOSS4G 2009 Lessons Learned
See also: FOSS4G2007_Lessons_Learned#Bidding
- Plan ahead. FOSS4G moves around the world to give everyone a chance to attend locally.
- Bidding cities should take a long term strategy. If you don't win one year, keep submitting until you do.
- The bid committee should suggest regions they would like to move to in the near future which will encourage cities in that region to bid.
- Feedback to unsuccessful bids should include targeted feedback, including rankings, to help cities refine their bid.
- Cities should engage the local conference industry. They are likely to provide their services for free in order to secure the conference.
- Network locally. A large, diverse team is attractive to selectors.
- Be open in your bidding process. While it may allow competing cities to gain advantage, you will demonstrate your strength and openness to the OSGeo bid committee.
Reference: International Conference delivered to your doorstep by Cameron Shorter