OSGeo California Chapter Hack-A-Thon 2011
The morning session will have talks on geospatial or programming topics. In the afternoon participants can partake in hack sessions on open source geospatial software projects or a cartography sprint. This hack-a-thon may also serve as our annual meeting.
Preliminary Date
Saturday October ?, 2011
Preliminary Schedule
- 07:30 AM to 08:00 AM> Reception and Sign-In
- 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM> Annual Meeting Business
- 09:00 AM to 09:45 AM> Talk (TBD)
- 09:45 AM to 10:15 AM> Break
- 10:15 AM to 11:00 AM> Lightning Talks
- 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM> Talk (TBD)
- 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM> Lunch
- 1:30 PM to 01:50 PM> Hackathon Project Pitch, Team Organization and Kickoff
- 1:50 PM to 05:30 PM> Hack Sessions (or Cartography Sprint)
- 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM> Hack Sessions/Cartography Spring Results
Project suggestions
Landon Blake:
- OpenJUMP Plug-In Coding
- Java Topology Suite Enhancements
Ragi Burhum:
- GDAL/OGR driver
- Tracking application
Brian Hamlin
- PostGIS 2.0 tricks and tests
- Framework spatial - featureserver, web2py, mapfish, django, other?
Interests/Programming Languages
- Landon Blake: Java, OpenJump
- Ragi Burhum: ObjectiveC, C++, GDAL/OGR, PostGIS, ArcObjects
- Josh Livni: Python/Django, Javascript, Google APIs
- Alex Mandel: Python/Django, QGIS, Javascript, SVG
- Michele Tobias: QGIS, Cartography, Data Representation, Python (limited use), R