CUGOS 2012 Spring Fling

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Last year's 2011 Sprint Fling event info can be found here

On Wednesday May 16, 2012, CUGOS (,[1]) will be holding a special all-day "spring fling" event at University of Washington Seattle Campus in place of our regular monthly meeting. We are open to sponsors donating money for free food and drink.

Please register here for this free event: so we can plan for attendance and food ;)

The basic idea of this event is...well, it'll be determined in the next month by brainstorming ideas on IRC #cugos on irc://freenode and at the CUGOS April 2012 meeting

  • 9-12: morning session
  • 12-1: lunch
  • 1-5: afternoon session

Details are given below, but be aware that all agendas and times are approximate -- we'll be loose and agile and nimble and react to changing events and schedules as our whimsies take us.

All skill and interest levels are welcome! -- please join us for as much of the day as you can.

Morning Session: Workshops (9am to 12pm)

Venue: Anderson Hall (Forest Club room 207)

To be decided

Meal Session: Lunch (12pm to 1pm)

Venue: to be decided

To be decided

Afternoon Session: (1pm to 5pm)

Venue: Anderson Hall (Forest Club room 207)

To be decided

Annual Book Drive

Once again this year, CUGOS will be having a book drive as part of the Spring Fling event!

You will recall that the process works like this:

Clean off your bookshelves to find good-quality books appropriate for the CUGOS audience. Bring them to the Fling, where we will have a table set up in the back of the room to display them on. Attendees will browse the offerings during the day, and if they see a book they could use they will take it home.

The suggested donation will be $5 per book. All proceeds will go to cover the Fling expenses and CUGOS operations in general.

Please take a few minutes in the next few weeks to look over your shelves and find some goodies you can donate to the cause. Items appropriate for donating to the book drive include things like:

  • that extra copy of "Web Mapping Illustrated", which you never quite got around to having Tyler autograph for you
  • a mint-condition copy of O'Connell's "Software Project Survival Guide", which your boss gave to you because he didn't have time to read it and which you somehow never quite got around to either
  • your Physical Geography college textbook from 1989, which despite the coffee stains and cigarette burns is still perfectly usable because, hey, the earth doesn’t change very much very often anyway

Directions and Transportation




Bus/Train: and

One person noted that "my personal experience is that one can find street parking north of 50th, west of I-5, and down by University Village shopping center, if one is willing to walk 30 to 45 minutes () . But many of those areas were also being converted to resident restricted zones. Bus is really easy."

Another noted that "There are a ton of routes which stops near Anderson hall (Forest Club Room): (OneBusAway pointing to nearest bus stops north of Anderson)

Maps of event locations:


we need contacts


List your name below, and/or register here:

  • Gerlek, Michael P. (mpg)