Communication FROG2013 en

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Pour l'appel à contributions en anglais, vous trouverez ci-dessous un premier texte pour l'appel à contributions

Hello all,

The french speaking OSGeo local chapter organizes a local FOSS4G, called FROG2013, on June 10th, near Paris.
We're looking for people to present software projects related to opensource and geospatial in French.
All informations are available at
If you're more interested for contributing to  code or documentation, join us for a code sprint from 11th to 13th of June
Feel free to send us an email at conferences(at) and have a look to our official website

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Propos n°2

OSGeo-fr, french speaking OSGeo local chapter, is organizing on 10th of June, 2013 the Francophone Open Source Geomatics day (aka FROG) in Paris inside French IGN building (at Saint-Mandé, close to Paris).

FROG is one day of conferences and meetings on several topics around OSGeo-fr projects and is a great opportunity to bring all together the community of users, developers or just curious of free software in geomatics.
The event is expected to attract about 150 people.

This meeting will share our experience by 25 mn conferences (questions included) in two parallel sessions: one technical, dedicated to software develoment, the other will be more focused on practical use.

You are an expert in a field related to free GIS? You are using OSGeo stack in a specific context (major project, big data management, innovative project, etc.).? You are participating in a
free project linked to the OSGeo? So don't hesitate to give a presentation! You are warmly welcome!

Contributors to the Francophone Open Source Geomatics (FROG) who wish to do a presentation of their projects should submit an abstract before 8th of march 2013.
Abstracts should be sent by email in plain text at the following address:  conferences at stating the following:

 * firstname and lastname;
 * An email;
 * Your company / employer;
 * Your twitter account (optional);
 * The title of your contribution;
 * The length of your speech (25 minutes max. questions included);
 * Your session intervention (Technical or Application);
 * A short description (200 characters max.)
 * A long description (700 characters max. Biblios + notes);
 * A photo (200 × 200 pixels minimum).

The presentations will be in French. The abstracts will be evaluated by a program committee and authors will be notified of their acceptance on 30 April 2013. Accepted presentations will all be available on the
conference website [1]. A good practice guide is also available on the site.

The program committee is composed of the following persons:
Medhi Semchaoui, Gerald Fenoy, Nicolas Bozon, Vincent Picavet, Pierre André Le Ny, Sidonie Christophe Barbier Pascal, Etienne DELAY (coordinator)

Committee members speak on their own behalf. Their choices reflect not the position of their employer.

For any inquiries, you can send us an email to
conferences at


About OSGeo-fr

OSGeo-fr is the Francophone Local chapter of Open Source Geospatial Fundation whose mission is to support and promote the development
collaborative data and open geospatial technologies.

The association is a legal entity to which community members can contribute code, financial and other resources, to ensure that
their contributions will be maintained for the benefit of the public. OSGeo-fr is also reference organization and support for the community
Geospatial free, and provides a common forum and shared infrastructure to improve collaboration between projects.

Participation is open to all of the open-source community. All work of the association are posted on public forums can invest
a free community of participants. Projects are the OSGeo Foundation all freely available and useable under an open source license certified
by OSI.