FOSS4G 2014 BirdsOfAFeather
During the FOSS4G2014 conference in Portland, USA, there will be a number of spaces for people to hold Birds of a Feather sessions.
Birds of a Feather sessions are unstructured timeslots where people can self organise themselves to discuss topics of interest.
Organising Contact
- ?? Need local boots-on-the-ground contact
Timeslots Available
Please check this page regularly before your session since some times/locations may change.
(This sections lists the available rooms and times, for individual bookings see their sections below)
Birds of a feather organization
If you would like to suggest a Birds of a Feather session, follow these guidelines:
- create a section below for your 'BOF'
- have people edit this page to indicate they will be attending
- you must provide a contact person who can manage the meeting
- also make your description as clear as possible, for many attendees it will be the only thing they read before choosing one
BOF sessions
FOSS4G Educators
- Description: FOSS4G Educators
- When/Where: Wednesday September 10 4:30-6:30pm Conference Exhibit Hall
Who is coming:
- Phillip Davis
Your Topic Title Here
- Description:
- When/Where:
Who is coming:
- More information on other Birds of a Feather sessions will be added here before the event.
- See FOSS4G 2009 Birds of a Feather for inspiration!