GeoForAll UrbanScience CityAnalytics

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Welcome to "Geo for All" Urban Science and City Analytics Thematic

Chairs: Chris Pettit (Australia) and Patrick Hogan (USA)

The mail list will be

With the "Geo for All" Urban Science and City Analytics thematic group established, the chairs of this are now the contact points for any new initiatives, ideas in this theme and the mailing list becomes the first point of contact for the new members and all members can use the list for collaborating on building subject specific collaborations.

This way we can make sure it is scaleable and meets local/region requirements/needs.All ideas welcome.

Who in our network is doing what related to this theme?

  • your name here
    • summary of what you are doing

List of use cases that cities have for addressing their needs

  • use cases here (Patrick, maybe you can start this to show an example?)

Technologies in our network that are available for addressing these needs

  • NASA World Wind (Java, iOS, and Android)
  • GeoMoose

Key research questions

Other ideas for a network grant proposal