OSGeo 2016 Sponsorship

From OSGeo
Revision as of 09:55, 26 October 2015 by Jive (talk | contribs)
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Sponsorship levels for 2015, while the dollar figures are in keeping with prior years the following tables is adjusted based on organization size to allow for greater participation.

Sponsor Organization Price Point Example
Principal 50+ people 40k and up large corporation, state government
Principal <50 people 20k osgeo stakeholders, state gis. department
Supporting 10+ people 10k and up! osgeo stakeholders, state gis. department, municipal dept.
Supporting <10 people 3k small business, project team
Supporting <3 people 1k consultants
  • Below this level ($100, $500) we would like to work on recognizing individuals who contribute via paywall donation.

clarification and discussion

This section will be updated based on mailing list discussion, and contact with potential sponsors.

Talking points:

  • relax: we have not collected sponsorship recently ... so anything will be an improvement
  • relax: simply having logo on website, and having an OSGeo logo is good value
  • goal: see if we can adjust sponsorship levels based on organization size to allow smaller groups to sponsor
  • goal: provide a range of price points
  • goal is have a budget forcast prior to spending and take some of the presure of yearly foss4g

Questions & Scope:

  • Q: are missing the small 1-3 person teams? Perhaps - added category for <3 people and a note about recognizing osgeo donations
  • Q: what kind of perks? A: Not listed yet ... focus is simply on supporting osgeo community
  • Q: individual sponsorship? A: seperate "I heart OSGeo" badge/sticker provided to paypal donations
  • Q: consider a discount for past sponsors? A: No reward with logo position/size or indicate of date on logo