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Skype meeting 26-01-2016


Gaël Johan Maëlle Tommy


  • OSGeo.be
* OSGeo-BE strategy
  • Miscellaneous
* Next meeting

The original (and ambitious) meeting agenda is available [here https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo-BE-meeting-agenda-20160126]. It will probably be reused for the strategy meeting (see below)


OSGeo-BE strategy

Before our first general assembly, we need to to define our global strategy about OSGeo.be asbl/vzw. It is best to organise a face to face meeting for that. At the general assembly, we have to approve the financial report and establish a budget. The budget will clearly depend on the events or activities that we will attend / organize. For instance, we may provide technical support by organizing trainings, demo, codesprints, ... Since there will be a lot of interesting events, we need to make a selection and to communicate clearly (via a mailing list or website) about the events we organize / endorse / support. This must discussed during the strategy meeting. We'll try to hold this meeting next Friday (29/01/2016) at ULB before the Geo-Dev Evening preparation meeting.

Action: Marc, Dirk : Prepare the financial report
Action: Johan : organize the strategy meeting


Next meeting

The next meeting (face to face meeting) will probably be held on January 29, 17:00 at Brussels (ULB) - TO BE CONFIRMED.