Marketing Meeting 2016-12-30
For more info on joining the meeting see Marketing Meetings page.
- Marketing Budget Draft / Discussion
- Website timeline / fund raising
- Q&A on website reboot
Marketing Budget Draft / Discussion
General approach for board budget was to pull back from everything to focus on this project. Several requests to break this into phases and/or increase clarity on what the project was (hence this meeting request). Note the Draft_2017_Budget only lists the sum of 50k.
Still the board has not signed off on the requested amount and would like to do fund raising to make up the difference.
Q: Has SAC considered any infrastructure setup/migration required for this undertaking as part of their 15k budget request?
- Action: (done) Jeff to reach out to SAC to clarify.
Q: Who does 20,000k fundraising? Marketing committee / or Board as part of OSGeo sponsorship call out?
- (done) Jody to send email to clarify board-priv to clarify about fundraising
- Jeff has reached out to some sponsors (and does not mind reaching out to more, organize via email).
- Jody does not mind highlighting this as a focus as part of general OSGeo sponsorship call out.
timeline / fund raising
- Jan 5th - board meeting (final 2017 budget)
- Jan 9th - send out EOI
- Jan 20th - close the EOI
- Jan 23-27 - evaluate EOI and ask short list for proposal
- Feb 10th - close proposal
- Feb 13th - evaluate and interview
- Feb 24th - close contract
- March Kickoff
- Jan 1st - kick off osgeo sponsorship/fundraising
- Jan 27th evaluate fundraising result for go/no-go decision
Idea is to have a go/no-go decision with both fund raising results and EOI list in hand.
Q: Is "website reboot a good name"
... or can we need a better name that covers how extensive this branding exercise is?
New name: “digital assets rebranding and website reboot"
Q: Can we start RFQ and fundraising concurrently?
Yes, EOI and fundraising will start in January, provided that the board signs off on the 30k as listed in the current budget draft.
Q: What will be the outcome of the project and how do we plan to use it in the future?
Deliverables are subject to contract, we are going in with the following expectations:
- Deliverable 1: Branding Book (covering core OSGeo brand, sub brands, cook book for projects that are interested)
- Deliverable 2: Website Template, Themes, Printing Assets etc...
- Deliverable 3: Content Migration
- Determine/Contact stakeholders
- Interaction with GeoForAll, OSGeo Live, Service Providers, Local Chapters
- Ongoing website content maintence
- Action: Jeff and Marc have volunteered to reach out to stakeholders
- Action: Contact Alex Mandel on SAC to confirm we are on the same page
Q: What items go beyond redesigning the website?
Brand guide book
- Start with Nicolas branding guide (
- Ask RFQ to either unify existing branding; or propose a replacement
Q: Does this include strategy guide?
This will be concurrent in January (needed so we can evaluate RFQ properly):
- Action: Marc will set up a meeting after a bit of prep