Talk:Live GIS Translate
It would be nice to do the translation with Transifex. In contrast to github, Transifex is much easier for non-technical people. Moreover we can get an good overview how much is translated. Other projects also use Transifex for their translations:
This mail already explains some basic steps and demonstrates it in this fork. Moreover the documentation on the Transifex website is useful as well. Sphinx provides instructions as well.
Current State 2017-01-02
I used this branch . Then I did this commands:
First it is necessary to change these lines in the file .
The automatical reading of the verion number causes troubles. So the the version number should simply be "hard-coded":
version = '10.5'
make gettext sphinx-intl update -p _build/locale tx init sphinx-intl update-txconfig-resources --pot-dir _build/locale --transifex-project-name osgeolive tx push -s
Now the English source language should be pushed to Transifex.
Changing the language team line by "Language-Team: ENGLISH <\n" seems mandatory.
Tipps and Tricks
It is possible to delete a lot of ressources on Transifex using this command:
tx delete -r*
It is possible to delete just a single file, but you can also delete a lot of files using the "*".
You might need it if you accidentally upload wrong files.