Talk:FOSS4G 2018 Community Sprint

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Revision as of 05:54, 30 June 2018 by astrid_emde (talk | contribs)
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Sprint Info for OSGeo Funding

A request for supporting a sprint by OSGeo should include the following information about the event and the funding model for it:

Basic Information

Have a look at the sprint page:

  • Audience: how many people are expected? - +- 50
  • Region: is the sprint localized to a specific region? - Dar Es Saalam, Community Sprint is scheduled around FOSS4G 2018
  • Projects: is the sprint to work on just one specific project, or is it for multiple projects? - all OSGeo projects
  • Length: how many days will the sprint cover? saturday-sunday -> 2 days
  • Venue: where will the sprint be held? will food be provided? will overnight lodging be provided?
    • Tansania DataLab, Dar Es Saalam
    • overnight lodging is not provided. Participants have to pay for the lodging.
    • Only food and drinks are provided

Expected budget

  • Where is the prospective budget published? Provide a link to a publicly accessible resource (e.g. wiki). The prospective budget shall list the levels/amounts of forecasted sponsorship, and show that OSGeo is providing matching funds (see Sponsorship Criteria below).


The budget shall contain the following information:

  • what is the expected registration fee, if any, for each attendee?
    • there is no fee
  • what is the expected amount of third-party sponsorships?
    • none
  • what in-kind donations are expected (such as donated use of a conference room)?
    • no extra costs for the room
  • what is the desired amount of OSGeo sponsorship?
    • would be great if OSGeo could cover the costs for drinks and food
  • what is the expected cost per attendee, for travel, lodging, and food?
    • food and drinks ??

Profit / Loss / Risk

  • What is the expected profit of the event, if any? where will any surplus money go?
    • community building, work on OSGeo projects
  • Under what circumstances might the event incur a loss? how will this risk be mitigated?
    • if OSGeo does not pay for food/drinks a different sponsor has to be found