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Enabling FAIR Data Project


This wikipage summarizes all relevant information for OSGeo concerning the Enabling FAIR Data project

The Enabling FAIR Data Project

Project objectives

 * Earth and Space science publications have supporting data and derived products in the form of citations, with deposited digital objects in open access repositories and with metadata that supports discovery, interlinking, and interoperability.
 * Documentation (metadata) included with submitted datasets and derived products to ensure the data are findable, accessible, interoperable (across repositories and publishers), and reusable – supporting the FAIR principles.
 * Repositories support data citation through the use of persistent identifiers, landing pages, and machine-readable metadata.
 * Leading publishers and repositories implement the recommendations and guidelines.
 * Researchers have a similar experience when submitting their paper and supporting data (and software/services) no matter the journal.


 * Project homepage
 * EOS article (September 2017)
 * EOS article (December 2017)

OSGeo involvement

 * The OSGeo board signed the Enabling FAIR Data commitment statement in October 2018 as repository, society and research infrastructure.
 * The gvSig project is also a signatory-

OSGeo announcement about becoming a signatory [DRAFT]

[What happened ?]

María Arias de Reyna, current President of OSGeo signed the commitment statement of the Enabling FAIR Data project on behalf of the board of OSGeo in October 2018.

[What is this about ?]

The Enabling FAIR Data project is funded by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation and is managed by the American Geophysical Union (AGU). OSGeo signed a memorandum of understanding with AGU in May 2018.

The projects' goal is to create an initial critical mass of researchers, research institutes and organisations, publishers, data repositories und funding agencies to establish the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) as best practices in the sciences, beginning in the Geosciences.

This as a step towards the establishment of the Open Science paradigm, whith its core aspects of open data, open source software and open access. From this point of view, open source software, like the OSGeo software projects are considered a part of scientific _data_, which is/should be provided via well curated data repositories (i.e. software repository infrastructures as required by the OSGeo incubation process).

[What did OSgeo commit to ?]

The essence of the commitment statement is the commitment to these goals: "Ensuring that Earth, space, and environmental science research outputs, including data, software, and samples or standard information about them, are open, FAIR, and curated in trusted domain repositories whenever possible and that other links and information related to scholarly publications follow leading practices for transparency and information.

This means that: Publication of scholarly articles in the Earth, space, and environmental science community is conditional upon the concurrent availability of the data underpinning the research finding, with only a few, standard, widely adopted exceptions, such as around privacy for human subjects or to protect heritage field samples.

These data should, to the greatest extent possible, be shared, open, and stored in community-approved FAIR-aligned repositories. Leading repositories provide additional quality checks around domain data and data services and facilitate discovery and reuse of data and other research outputs."

The goals of both the project and OSGeo are highly compatible and OSGeo is already well on track to establish a open source infrastructure for FAIR.

[What can/should OSGeo do next ?]


[Call to action]

The commitment statement can be signed both by organisations and individuals. All members of the OSGeo communities are encouraged sign the statement personally and take action in the following.

Overview over all signatories so far: http://www.copdess.org/enabling-fair-data-project/commitment-to-enabling-fair-data-in-the-earth-space-and-environmental-sciences/signatories/