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DRAFT Minutes : April 05, 2023

6.45pm: ONLINE LOBBY (https://meet.jit.si/OSGeoAlbertaChapterMonthlyMeetup)

  • Phone: 647.243.6108 | MeetingID: 2203355915

7.00pm: Attendee Introductions

ATTENDEES: Scott, Ahmed, Tomas, Eliska


Ahmed joined from Vancouver where he is doing survey work after having left Calgary after finding too few opportunities for GIS work. Tomas joined the call for a second time. He's now been in Canada about a year and will be finishing up his PHD in July.

Eliska attended a GoGeomatics event recently and was interested in finding more venues of that type. All of our participants were looking for ways to connect with others in their field. We talked about how to use this space. Everyone agreed having an IRL option would be a real bonus.

Ahmed suggested connecting with Giuseppe (I'm assuming Giuseppe Amatulli ) ACTION Ahmed will intro Giuseppe to Scott to see if there's something to do with this group.

Tomas suggested this group grow into edu orgs. He had tried UofA but didn't manage to connect with GIS profs. We've reached out previously but it's probably worth doing again. ACTION: Scott reach back out to universities ( Try to talk directly to the student group leaders )


Ahmed: install linux OSGeo for next meeting ( Scott get intro out early ) also, QGIS possibly postgress postgis. ACTION - Ahmed to provide li'l bio blurb for agenda.


  • No presentations currently planned. Feel free to reach out either on the OSGeo mailing list, or you can reach me at scott.mchale@shaw.ca if you wish to present or suggest presenters

Some suggestions from the chapter for presentations include:

  • Show us your side hustle
  • Bring us your problems ( stuff you're working on and issues )
  • teach something new ( OS Geo projects or other ).

Chat & any proposed Chapter business or initiatives:

This event is open to all. Feel free to bring your topics, projects, or presentations.