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Revision as of 11:16, 5 September 2024 by Nieneb (talk | contribs)
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  • Niene - Voorzitter NL
  • Kamiel - Programmacommissie
  • Céline - Organisatie
  • Hans - programmacommissie

Agenda en verslag

  1. status updates
  2. Minutes & activity list last meeting
  3. Changes in the schedule
  4. website maintenance during holiday Roel

Status updates

Kamiel - presentatie toegevoegd. was over gemaild. is aan het programma toegevoegd. over 3D BAG . Zit wel in het biodiversiteitsblokje

Alle presentatoren bevestigd. All workshop gevers ook bevestigd.

Voorbereidingsmail eruit? Erik vragen ?

we hebben te veel workshops voor het aantal zalen. La Salle valt af. wat zijn de oplossingen: - afzeggen - lange korte van maken. - Lunch in lokaal BG 1 en info punt


  • Website locaties aanpassen voor woensdag. La Salle wordt lokaal BG1
  • Kamiel overleg workshop inkorten met collega Ricardo - judo 3

Actielijst vorige keer

  • Sponsoroproep: done. current status: Probably two sponsors from Belgium, one from the Netherlands.
  • Catering:

two quotes, we decided on Rommens (with a few minor adjustments). plates and bowls will also be ordered with Rommens so we don't need to clean them (Céline)

  • bestelling groene driehoek:

no screen or beamer available. Gael said he could bring one perhaps? Or should we ask the participants? We just need one...

No panels for the Map Gallery available either. Céline will ask Frans for the easels, foampanels plus glue should do it (Erik can take care of that)

  • Registration and ticketing

Current status: 54 conference tickets sold, of which 32 are company tickets. Financially this is good news, but there is a little discussion (also because the company ticket is on top and Eventbrite screams 100 euros at you) if potential audience is not put on the wrong foot. Next year, no more Eventrbite. Point of care: from the 54 tickets, less than 10 are from Belgium. So we need to get a better balance there.

  • Map gallery

Roel has posted it on the website, no entries yet.

  • Schedule

Only a few changes, Kamiel changed the tab on the Google Sheet, Roel changed the website (done).

  • Ordering materials

Volunteer t-shirts: 25, Erik will ask for a quote.

Coffee mugs: Erik will ask for a quote. Niene prefers enamel, not ceramic.

Rest is according to plan.

  • Transportation

We don't yet know anything about a bus from Antwerp... (Gael?)

  • Translation

No status updates (Gael?)

  • Party (wednesday)

Change action to Niene, no update yet