Board Member Nominations 2024

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Revision as of 10:53, 21 November 2024 by Cvvergara (talk | contribs) (Adding Tom nomination)
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# Nominee Name Country Statement Nominated by
1 Angelos Tzotsos Greece Angelos has been a charter member since 2012.

He has participated on the OSGeoLive project in the PSC and acts as project the officer. He is also a member of the PSC of the following projects: pycsw, pyogcapi and ZOO-project. Member of the Incubator Committee has mentored the pgRouting project. He participates representing OSGeo in many conferences. His involvement and commitment in OSGeo is undeniable During his participation in the Board, he has shown dedication and respect. Keeping Angelos on the Board of Directors would mean a continuation without disruption on the work within the organization and with other entities like OGC.

Vicky Vergara & Rajat Shinde

2 Tom Kralidis Canada Tom has been an OSGeo charter member since 2007 and has served on the Board since 2018. He has contributed to numerous OSGeo software packages, such as MapServer, GeoNode, QGIS, PyWPS and OWSLib. He is the creator of pycsw and pygeoapi. He is also on several Project Steering Committees (PSCs)

Tom is a longtime contributor to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), where he has been involved in the development of several specifications. More recently you may have heard him talk about the new OGC API, or even used his latest contribution to our ecosystem: the pygeoapi project, a Python implementation of the OGC API suite of standards which is also an OGC Reference Implementation.

Tom is a lead architect of the UN World Meteorological Organization Information System (WIS2), WMO's new platform for weather/climate/water data exchange, which leverages open source software and open standards. He has recently been appointed as the Chair of the WMO Task Team on Open Source Software, to help shape and define the role and use of open source software for WMO activities.

Tom currently works at the Meteorological Service of Canada where he and his team leverage the power of OSGeo software and OGC standards for mission critical applications. Tom is a people person, he understands the need to have an active community around a software project, so he puts considerable effort in community building and activation. I appreciate that very much, for that reason I nominate him for OSGeo board

Paul van GEnuchten