FOSS4G 2024 Community Sprint

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Community Sprint

Also this year, after the conference, there will be the OSGeo community sprint.

Participation is free of charge and anyone involved or interested in getting involved in OSGeo community projects is welcome.

You can choose to contribute to one or more projects. The sky is the limit. There’s always plenty to do – and it’s not all about programming. Translation, documentation, feedback, discussions, and testing are very important for projects! Conference registration is not a prerequisite for participation in the community sprint.


The community sprint will be held on 07-08 of December .

  • 9:00 - 18:00


The community sprint will be hosted at the National Institute for Space Research - INPE .

Registered Attendees

The community sprint is free of charge but we kindly ask you to write down your name for better planning.

No Name Email Projects Registered to FOSS4G conference Present on Sat 1st Present on Sun 2nd
1 Ariel Anthieni aanthieni at kan dot com dot ar Geonode, QGIS x x x
N my name my email projects I will work on x x x






  • Work on incubation tasks


Working in contribute to the accessibility of different languages to the official documentation and software


  • Ariel Anthieni


  • Review set translation process in transifex
  • Think of a proposal to improve the metadata module
  • Generate translation proccess form sotfware


Grasslogo vector small.png


Event Organization

The FOSS4G 2024 Team is the proud organiser of the community sprint.

For any question you can contact Ariel Anthieni, the person in charge of the community sprint.