Journal Volume 2 Spanish Local Chapter
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The Spanish Local Chaper is not yet official but recently started moving its first steps. Actually it is basically identified in its mailing list
The Spanish Local Chapter started with a meeting on March 2007 in Girona with the first Spanish FOSS4G Meeting (I Jornadas SIG Libre), organized by Luis W. Sevilla (gvSIG development Chief) and Lorenzo Becchi ( After this meeting a mailing list was created and some activities started as an effort to have a Spanish language community with the same objectives than the OSGeo Foundation.
=Mailing list
The creation of the list was the first activity of the starting group and will serve as a point of discuss for Spanish spoken FOSS4G users and developers. At this point the list (and maybe the Local Chapter)
Spanish GIS Book
The biggest effort has been focused to create a Free GIS Book in Spanish language. At this time a PSC is being defined and slowly but surely steps are being accomplished. There is a more or less stable table of contents for the first version of the book, a little group of people, leaded by Víctor Olaya (SEXTANTE), to contribute to the book (authors are always welcomed) and some technological facilities provided by OSGeo (a specific mailing list and a SVN repository for the book sources).
The book will be written in loved LaTeX and a we expect to follow a timetable.
If you have some Spanish materials that fit some chapter or section of the book, or you think that new contents could be added, please, feel free to join the list!
OSGeo portal translation
Sice May 2007, the main web pages of the OSGeo site are translated into Spanish. This effort from the Spanish Local Chapter tries to bring the Foundation to Spanish spoken people.
II Jornada de SIG Libre