Web Site Committee Motion

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I, Frank Warmerdam, move that a "Web Site Committee" be designated to manage the foundation web site and related resources. The initial committee membership shall include:

  • Daniel Brookshier (chair)
  • Howard Butler (hobu@iastate.edu)
  • Fred Warnock (fwarnock@dmsolutions.ca)
  • Perry Nacionales nacional@cbs.umn.edu

The web site committee has responsibilities to:

  • maintain and update the foundation web site.
  • recommend appropriate website technologies (ie. wiki)
  • decide and implement a site wide style guideline.
  • support foundation projects in use of portal technologies and common style.
  • adding and removing committee members as needed.
  • report back to the board (via Chair) to the board monthly on activities and issues.
  • pursue translation of portions of the site into other languages.

Requesting Membership on the committee

Requesting membership:

  • Sean Sternfeldt (Sean.Sternfeldt@autodesk.com)
  • Tyler
  • Jason Birtch


  • The web site committee should operate a public mailing list for discussing changes so that non-members can make recommendations, and follow discussions.
  • Major decisions (ie. wiki tech, web site styling) should be forwarded to the board.
  • The web site committee should not "create foundation policy". That is, (non-website) policies of the foundation should be decided by the board, and published by the web site committee. The committee can produce new documents that reflect existing policy or are non-controversial in nature.
  • All members of the committee should have SVN access to update the web site.
  • The committee does not have control of web pages for foundation projects with the exception of pseudo-projects like "board.osgeo.org" and such that are still core foundation activities.

Additional Notes on the Collabnet infrastructure

There are four key areas of the site to be managed:

  1. The home page, header, footer, left nav, and right community news column. This should also include all content related to the site, education, and foundation documentation.
  2. The left nav for project pages.
  3. General domain administrations and settings.
  4. The OSGeo Wiki

WebCom TODO List