FOSS4G2007 Demos

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Hapless Volunteers

Motivation and Direction

One of the great attractions to an international conference like this is a chance to show off your work. In FOSS4G 2006 there was a set of demo tables, that were used with some effect with a timeslot set up opposite other events ...

We can do better.

At OOPSLA they ran a seperate demo track, as an alternate series of presentations, this allowed for a range of expression:

  • slick marking presentations
  • interesting home brew
  • and everything in between

Demo Venue

The "Sidney" room is available for the demo theatre (see [FOSS4G2007 VCC Rooms]). The Sidney room is located near the lunch area, in order to capture people recently refreshed with coffee and/or sustenance.

We will have two overheads (so one team can set up as another is presenting).

A couple of notes:

  • During the demos we should make sure to send the people to the exhibitor's booths to get more detailed information f2f that they cannot get from the demo presentations. (--Seven 12:20, 30 July 2007 (CEST))
  • Similarly those providing a demo of a Poster may be directed there for more information on what they have seen.

Demo Organization


  • run a couple of projectors (so as one person talks the next can set up).

Schedule of Demos:

  • At OOPSLA they organized similar content together (both to allow direct comparison and to let those interested in a topic to mark off a block of time)
  • We will need to be sure not to conflict with the presentation program (setting up cool examples of GRASS opposite the GRASS track would not be a good thing)