Motto discussion
Revision as of 10:47, 5 May 2006 by Wiki-Pmarc (talk | contribs)
We need a slogan/motto to go along with the new logo. There will need to be several different ways of using, so we will likely need a few different ones. We'll need something to follow after the shorter "OSGeo" nickname. And also something to follow the longer title: "Open Source Geospatial Foundation". See if you can avoid any words already in the title.
Please submit your possible mottos here:
- Your Open Source Compass (was part of Aaron's logo submission)
- Compass to the Open Source GeoSpatial World (building on above)
- "It's a spheroid, get over it."
- Open ways
- Open destinations (too airliner-ish, i think)
- Open directions
- Enabling Geo-Power
- Pure Mapping Power
- Great Mapping Tools
- Projecting Worlds
- Find it with the tools from the foundation
- Open the source and find your way
- OSGeo -- Where it's at
- OSGeo shows you to the open source
- Spatialize your mind (Using an invented word could be useful in creating a stronger brand, similar to the use of Mc for all Mc Donalds McProducts)
- We love to see you smile (building on the last)
- The open place people
- Putting GeoSpace at work for you
- Putting the where in your work
- Because how you got there is as important as where you're going
- All geography is local
- Your datum, our data
- Ideas in the Open
- We design it spatialy for you
- Spatialy designed for you (building on the previous entry :-) )
- The open place people
- Liberating the Globe (Perhaps slightly less overt than Liberating the World)
- From the ground up
- Build for space
- Space for all
- Terra Libre
- Who's your Daddy
- Who's your Mommy
- Home of the green laser pointers
- Blowing things out of proportion since 2006
- The foundation formerly known as mapserver
- just do it!
- We know where you live!
- Opening your world
- Spatially Yours
- Spatial Designs
- Leading the Way
- It's a geoid thing
- GIS it!
- We Do GIS!
- Do you Geo?