Live GIS Translate

From OSGeo
Revision as of 12:38, 17 September 2010 by Wiki-Camerons (talk | contribs) (Created page with '''This page describes how to translate documentation for the OSGeo-Live DVD.'' = Translations = This is how it works: # check out the doc-directory from svn: …')
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This page describes how to translate documentation for the OSGeo-Live DVD.


This is how it works:

  1. check out the doc-directory from svn:
svn co
svn co
  1. Before committing files, you need commit access, described here:
  2. Add your name to the list of translators, so that we can credit you in releases: doc/translators.txt
  3. use the English files from the directory /en as templates:
  4. create a directory for your language in the directory /doc - like /doc/de or /doc/it
  5. translate the files from /doc/en and copy them to your language directory (keep the directory structure like it is in en)
    1. the plan is to translate the files in the language-root directory, then the files from standards-directory and from overview-directory and if there is still energy left the files from the quickstart-directory
  6. Add your name to (let's see how this helps)

Use OmegaT for the translations

  • there is a nice tool to generate the translations (here you find a good documentation)
  • apt-get install omegat
  • add the ending rst to be supported by OmegaT
    • configure: Options - file filter - textfiles - add - add *.rst
  • Create a new project:
    • Select a folder where OmegaT can write its files
    • Select your destination language, point Source Files directory to doc/en, and Translated Files directory to doc/$your-language-code. The two middle options can stay where they are in subfolders of OmegaT project folder.
    • Translate something.
    • Write files: Project > Create Translated Documents will populate doc/$your-language into SVN tree. All .rst files contain both translated and untranslated strings.
    • svn commit
  • Work on an already started translation:
    • TO BE DONE - is OmegaT able to handle contents under version control? Seems not, for me.