LOC conference call Jan 12, 2011
Review of LOC members and roles
Summary of responsibilities / expectations
Sponsorship Update (Peter Batty / Tyler Mitchell)
- Review of sponsor prospect list and status of those that are likely / confirmed
Workshops (Ben Tuttle)
Ben Tuttle (lead), Jeff McKenna, Chris Helm
- Upcoming deadline: issue call for workshops, Jan 15
1. Call for Workshops a. What data needs to be captured? i. Contact info, bio and abstract ii. Anything else? Focus area/Track?
b. Text for submission page? i. What committee is looking for (criteria) ii. Selection timeline iii. Any benefits come with presenting? 2. Timeline (launch date, time needed to review abstracts) 3. Submission Form 4. Mechanism to review abstracts
Academic Track (Rafael Moreno)
Program (James Fee)
James Fee, Brian Timoney (newbie focus), Matt Krusemark (open data focus), Tyler Erickson (govt focus)
1. Volunteers to work with James ii. What’s next? 1. Call for Abstracts a. What data needs to be captured? i. Contact info, bio and abstract ii. Anything else? Focus area/Track? b. Text for submission page? i. What committee is looking for (criteria) ii. Selection timeline iii. Limit number of presentations from a company/organization? 2. Timeline (launch date, time required to review abstracts) 3. Submission Form 4. Mechanism to review abstracts
Does proposed 2011 pricing need adjustment? Current budget proposal 1. Continuity of pricing between past and future FOSS4G events ii. June 15th early bird deadline 1. program should completed and online early enough for conference participants to evaluate program before registering
Social Events (Peter / other volunteers?)
Proposed main social events are as follows (get agreement on this today, need to confirm venues asap):
- Tuesday night – informal welcome event, open to all. Likely venue Wynkoop Brewing Company
- Wednesday night – reception at Sheraton on and around exhibit floor. Need to work out logistics as number of attendees much larger than will fit in exhibit space.
- Thursday – “Signature Event”, priced separately. Probably at cool venue like the Art Museum or similar. Propose stand-up versus seated event, lower cost and better for networking. Initial budget had this priced at $99, seems high to me (though not out of line with previous years). Suggest $75 target?
Marketing (Matt Ball)
i. Distribution of promotional materials 1. Current plan is to have all materials available on the FOSS4G website except for On-Site Program
ii. Lists 1. Previous FOSS4G attendee lists 2. Additional prospect email lists? iii. Blogs 1. Utilize blogs to promote conference, announce Call for Workshops/Abstracts and late-breaking news iv. Website 1. Requirements 2. Maintenance