GDAL format popularity
For a simple graphic screenshot of GDAL/OGR using wordle, or a similar tool, it is interesting to know the relative popularity of the different formats used by GDAL/OGR.
The purpose of this page is to tweak the format names (search terms) to avoid false positives/negatives. It will never be perfect, this is just a small attempt to make it less bad, and in a small attempt to avoid bias I'd rather tweak the search terms than the resulting numbers.
The results will end up here:
todo: <paste `lynx -dump` script here>
Adjust terms on these lists:
(e.g. "GMT"-> "GMT grid")
GDAL formats: (:hits)
Arc/Info ASCII Grid:61600 ACE2:370000 ADRG/ARC Digitilized Raster Graphics:3290 Arc/Info Binary Grid:15300 AIRSAR Polarimetric:1900 Magellan BLX Topo:268 Bathymetry Attributed Grid:2230 Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap:32500 BSB Nautical Chart Format:2000 VTP Binary Terrain Format:1240 CEOS (Spot for instance):1310 DRDC COASP SAR Processor Raster:236 TerraSAR-X Complex SAR Data Product:47 Convair PolGASP data:55 USGS LULC Composite Theme Grid: Spot DIMAP:1040 ELAS DIPEx:37 DODS/OPeNDAP:1800 First Generation USGS DOQ:1350 New Labelled USGS DOQ:1310 Military Elevation Data:7380 ERDAS Compressed Wavelets: ESRI .hdr Labelled:5120 Erdas Imagine Raw:1260 NASA ELAS:664 ENVI .hdr Labelled Raster:1560 Epsilon - Wavelet compressed images:39 ERMapper:56200 Envisat Image Product:427 EOSAT FAST Format:2040 FIT:640000000 FITS:160000000 Fuji BAS Scanner Image:790 Generic Binary (.hdr Labelled):255 Oracle Spatial GeoRaster:25700 GSat File Format:95 Graphics Interchange Format:232000 WMO GRIB1/GRIB2:55 GMT Compatible netCDF:678 GRASS Rasters:5130 GRASS ASCII Grid:5470 Golden Software ASCII Grid:2470 Golden Software Binary Grid:1320 GSC Geogrid:302 TIFF:48200000 BigTIFF:33300 GeoTIFF:257000 NOAA .gtx:110 GXF/Grid eXchange File:1370 HDF4:793000 HDF5:102000 HF2/HFZ heightfield raster:38 Erdas Imagine:258000 Image Display and Analysis (WinDisp):533 ILWIS Raster Map:3200 Intergraph Raster:2920 USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube:2390 JAXA PALSAR Product Reader:222 Japanese DEM:4850 JPEG JFIF:567000 JPEG-LS:1050000 JPEG2000:995000 ECW:9220000 KAK:36100000 MrSID:193000 OpenJPEG:181000 JPIP:155000 KMLSUPEROVERLAY:1660 NOAA Polar Orbiter Level 1b Data Set (AVHRR):1090 Erdas .LAN and .GIS:276 FARSITE LCP Format: Daylon Leveller Heightfield:1990 NADCON .los/.las: In Memory Raster:8710 Vexcel MFF/MFF2: MG4 Encoded Lidar: Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database:21300 Meteosat Second Generation:71300 EUMETSAT Archive native:355 NLAPS Data Format:3090 NITF:150000 NetCDF:393000 NTv2:23000 Northwood/VerticalMapper Grid: OGDI Bridge:497 OZI OZF2/OZFX3:70 PCI .aux Labelled:3960 PCI Geomatics Database File:3820 PCRaster:59200 Geospatial PDF:43700 NASA Planetary Data System:97700 Portable Network Graphics:998000 PostGIS Raster:1560 Netpbm:969000 R Object Data Store:1820 Rasdaman:10200 Rasterlite/SQLite: Swedish Grid RIK:1070 Raster Matrix Format:2400 Raster Product Format/RPF (CADRG, CIB): RadarSat2 XML:231 Idrisi Raster:3450 SAGA Binary:301 SAR CEOS:1330 ArcSDE Raster:2850 USGS SDTS DEM:11900 SGI Image:43500 Standard Raster Product (ASRP/USRP):153 SRTM HGT:5760 Terragen Heightfield:320 Terralib:86600 EarthWatch/DigitalGlobe:66 TerraSAR-X Product:1150 USGS ASCII DEM / CDED:46 GDAL Virtual:716 OGC Web Coverage Server:5120 OGC Web Map Server:43400 X11 Pixmap:24300
OGR formats: (:hits)
ASCII Gridded XYZ:41 Aeronav FAA:1450 ESRI ArcObjects:128000 Arc/Info Binary Coverage:3150 Arc/Info .E00 (ASCII) Coverage:108 Atlas BNA:1820 AutoCAD DXF:936000 Comma Separated Value (.csv):2030000 DODS/OPeNDAP:1800 EDIGEO:69300 ESRI Personal GeoDatabase:3600 ESRI ArcSDE:86300 ESRI Shapefile:183000 FMEObjects Gateway:503 GeoJSON:33000 G<E9>oconcept Export:4830 Geomedia .mdb:579 GeoRSS:9250000 GML:8100000 GMT:493000000 GPSBabel:268000 GPX:10400000 GRASS:133000000 GPSTrackMaker:5430 Hydrographic Transfer Format:634 Informix DataBlade:36800 INTERLIS:71600 INGRES:6830000 KML:128000000 LIBKML:49800 Mapinfo Microstation DGN:381 Access MDB (PGeo and Geomedia capable): Memory:515000000 MySQL:192000000 NAS - ALKIS:230 Oracle Spatial:630000 ODBC:14000000 MS SQL Spatial:6190 OGDI Vectors (VPF, VMAP, DCW): OpenAir:4160000 PCI Geomatics Database File:3820 PDS:47900000 PGDump:32900 PostgreSQL/PostGIS:76600 EPIInfo .REC:543 S-57 (ENC):37000 SDTS:151000 Norwegian SOSI Standard:55 SQLite/SpatiaLite:3030 SUA:349000000 UK .NTF:3340 U.S. Census TIGER:631000 VFK:965000 VRT - Virtual Datasource:1150 OGC WFS (Web Feature Service):10700 X-Plane/Flighgear:27800