OSGeo 2016 Sponsorship

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Revision as of 08:18, 26 October 2015 by Jive (talk | contribs)
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Here is the contents of the google doc -

Sponsor Organization Price Point Example
Principal 50+ people 40k and up large corporation, state government
Principal <50 people 20k osgeo stakeholders, municipal gis dept.
Supporting 10+ people 10k and up! municipal, osgeo consultants
Supporting <10 people 3k small business, project team
Supporting <3 people 1k consultants
  • Below this level ($100, $500) we would like to work on recognizing individuals who contribute via paywall donation.

Talking points:

  • relax: we have not collected sponsorship recently ... so anything will be an improvement
  • relax: simply having logo on website, and having an OSGeo logo is good value
  • goal: see if we can adjust sponsorship levels based on organization size to allow smaller groups to sponsor
  • goal: provide a range of price points
  • goal is have a budget forcast prior to spending and take some of the presure of yearly foss4g

Questions & Scope:

  • Q: what kind of perks? A: Not listed yet ... focus is simply on supporting osgeo community
  • Q: individual sponsorship? A: seperate "I heart OSGeo" badge/sticker provided to paypal donations
  • Q: consider a discount for past sponsors? A: No reward with logo position/size or indicate of date on logo