Board Meeting 2016-11-03

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This board meeting is scheduled for the 3rd of November 2016 at [1] through IRC and follow up voting on Loomio.


Current items


  • roll call
  • appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  • Approve last meeting minutes
  • Appoint president and regional vice-presidents
  • Budget 2017
  • Discuss about CRO Feedback [2]
  • incubation: The incubation committee has recognized the GeoNode project as having met our graduation requirements. We would like to formally put for this project for recognition by the board, with Jeff Johnson volunteering to serve as project officer.
  • results of the f2f on committee guidelines
  • Add agenda items


  • Attending: Venka, Helena, Michael, Angelos, Jody, Maria, Anita
  • Presiding: Venka
  • Scribing: Angelos
  • MOT1(Venka): Approve meeting minutes from 2016-10-20. Motion moved to Loomio.
  • MOT2(Jody): The incubation committee has recognized the GeoNode project as having met our graduation requirements. We would like to formally put for this project for recognition by the board, with Jeff Johnson volunteering to serve as project officer.
  1. Results of GeoNode going through the incubation process [3]
  2. Incubation Committee voting [4]
  3. Venka proposed to plan an incubation sprint in the near future. Jody reported that teams interested in making progress have been content to do so in a normal OSGeo code sprint.
  4. Jody wanted to recognize a key point in our motion above - recognizing Jeff Johnson as project officer. As a project officer he formally acts on behalf of our organization, and reports to the board if we have any questions about GeoNode is getting on in the world. So we are recognizing two things with this motion - a new OSGeo project joining our Foundation - and a new individual joining our Foundation
  5. Jody also noted: I would also point out that GeoNode completed incubation very quickly for such a large project; I was very impressed. They even got stuck (on code ownership) and were still one of our fastest projects.
  6. Micael noted: its a big project, diverse support, experienced people, not that surprising, imho
  7. Motion moved to Loomio.

Tabled for email/loomio discussion

Action Items


Motion +1 0 -1 Abstain Passed Notes
MOT1: Approve meeting minutes from 2016-10-20 Venka, Angelos, Anita, Maria, Helena, Vasile Michael, Jody, Sanghee Passed
MOT2: The incubation committee has recognized the GeoNode project as having met our graduation requirements. We would like to formally put for this project for recognition by the board, with Jeff Johnson volunteering to serve as project officer Jody, Venka, Anita, Angelos, Michael, Maria, Sanghee, Helena, Vasile Passed

Motions here are to be confirmed by email for public record.

See email thread on the Board list.

Full, raw minutes notes