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GeoForAll meeting topics or workshops at FOSS4G Boston, August 14-18

Instructions: (1) Add either new meeting topics using a new bullet, and/or (2) add your name below topics you'd be interested in having meetings on at FOSS4G Boston.

  • Anyone interested in offering a Pre-conference educational workshop? If so, what topic?
  1. Tangible Landscape for geospatial education [developing course units with augmented reality and tangible interfaces] (NCSU GeoForAll Lab)
  2. Introduction to GRASS GIS with focus on lidar [offered as a general workshop] (NCSU GeoForAll Lab)
  • GeoForAll "Grant Sprint (if you have a grant you are thinking of going after related to support of GeoForAll, add your name and potential topic)"
  1. name, grant idea, solicitation (if you want to share)
  • Educational content sharing system (add any ideas you have here on what this meeting should include), and any ideas you may have on platform:
  1. Charlie Schweik
  2. add your name
  • Papers or presentations related to GeoForAll people are thinking of submitting -- perhaps we can organize a whole GeoForAll track of panels

  1. Charlie Schweik - presentation on GeoForAll OpenCitySmart Research Coordination Network (if it comes in)
  2. Helena Mitasova - GSoC as an example Collaboration between GeoForAll labs, NCSU Center for Geospatial Analytics Geospatial Studios with open source focus
  3. Add your name and topic