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Face to face meeting 23-05-2017


Berdien Damien Dirk Gaël Johan Oliver Maëlle Marc Roel Tommy


* Venue
* Call for papers
* Call for sponsors
* Call for Maps
* Website & communication
* Miscellaneous



If we want to organise the event in Brussels, there are two possible venues : Royal Military Academy or BEL. At this point, it is still unsure if the BEL will be available on September 26 and we don't know the exact configuration at the RMA (one big room is sure but waht about smaller rooms ?). Deadline for chossing the venue is June 9.

Action: Gaël : reserve the BEL for September 23 and check if BEL is available on 26/09
Action: Dirk : Follow up the mail he sent to NGI / IGN (Jan, Ingrid)
Action: Tommy : Contact Jean-Yves Pirlot

Call for papers

The call for papers needs to be sent ASAP. This year, we want to have two special sessions : OSM and Education.

Action: Johan : send mail to the OSM mailing list
Action: Johan, Maëlle, Marc : contact Joost
Action: Johan, Berdien : send call for papers (based on last year cfp and mention that there will be two special sessions)

Call for sponsors

A first call for sponsors (with the extra visibility offered) was sent before BeGeo. A few companies replied positively to the offer but we still need to send them the invitation to pay. We will probably send the cfs again to the sponsors that did not respond. But before we send the cfs again, Gaël would like to re-think the sponsor package. Besides the extra visibility we offer, we also want to setup a job booth to allow companies to meet potential candidates. We also need to review the sponsors list.

Action: Marc and financial team (see miscellaneous for details about the teams / committees) : send the invitations to pay to the sponsors
Action: sponsors team : review the sponsors list
Action: Gaël : re-think the sponsor packages (deadline is May 29)

Call for Maps

This year, we will organise the map gallery contest again. All participants will have to print their map themselves.

Action: Roel : send call for maps (based on last year cfm)

Website and communication

The website www.osgeo.be has been redirected to the wiki. We need to add the sponsors to the website.

Action: Communication (and website team) : update website


We setup specific teams / committees in order better organise the work. At the moment, there are 5 teams / committees :

  • Communication Committee : Berdien, Maëlle, Tommy, Johan, Marc, Roel
  • Sponsor & Finance Committee : Gaël, Dirk, Tommy, Roël
  • Program Committee : Johan, Roel
  • Logistics/Organisation Committee : Dirk, Gaël, Tommy
  • AG Committee : the board. Please also note that the GA minutes are available here

More details about the organisation / tasks are available on Framacalc document

According to Maëlle proposition, the next (skype ?) meeting is scheduled for June 6 (More info yet to come)