Integrating istSOS as a data store in MapMint

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Revision as of 19:59, 11 June 2017 by Wiki-Niro s (talk | contribs)
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MapMint is a Geographic Information System (GIS) software running on a web server made to facilitate the administration of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). Also a modular and extensible WEB-GIS application generator. Behind the MapMint solution is the massive usage of OGC Web Services and making all processing in the solution available as WPS services using the ZOO-Project. Yet it is not capable of grabbing sensor data and publishing. On the other hand, istSOS which is an OGC SOS server implementation written in Python allows for managing and dispatch observations from monitoring sensors according to the Sensor Observation Service standard.


The idea of integrating istSOS as a data store in MapMint is able to provide a platform for data visualization which can be used as near real time, analysis such as interpolation analysis, conversion such as vector and raster data, and publish as maps and OGS standard services such as WMS, WFS,WMTS and WPS by utilizing the data from istSOS. The provided datasets and services (WMTS,WMS, etc) can be deploy within MapMint or for any other software such as GRASS GIS to enable new processing capabilities.

Tentative Schedule

Time frame Task
May 5 - 29 2017 Setup servers and interact with the community
May 30 - June 15 2017 Working with sensors and istSOS
June 16 - July 2 2017 Adding sensor data to MapMint
July 2 - 17 2017 Developing an interface to handle sensor data in Mapmint
July 17 - 24 2017 Identifying and Implementing a service to process the data
July 24 - August 2017 Finalize MapMint SOS implementation
August 2 - 10 2017 Identify the bugs and fix
August 10 - 20 2017 Finalize the documentation work and publish all the codes
August 21 - 29 2017 Finalize all the work and submitting them

Weekly Reports

Week 1

Up to June 4

  • What did you get done this week?

I have setup istSOS in my local machine. And I tried to visualize the data on istSOS from arduino. I used dht11 sensor. Finally I could get the data (humidity and temperature) on istSOS from arduino.

I have tried to test the updated ansible-roles to install the mapmint. Identified changes have been edited in the repository.

  • What do you plan on doing next week?

Try the mapmint functions and report the existing issues.

  • Are you blocked on anything?


Week 2

June 4 ~ June 11

  • What did you get done this week?

This week I couldn't work much on the project. Because I have to ready for my Master course presentation on 13th June. I will allocate more time after 13th June.

  • What do you plan on doing next week?

continue the work with mapmint functions.

  • Are you blocked on anything?


Student's Biography

Niroshan Bandara, is a student at Osaka City University, Japan. He is following a Master programme on Urban Information study at Graduate School of Creative Cities. And He completed Bachelor degree in Town and Country Planning, specialized on Planning technology. Basically, His Master research is focusing on Crowdsourced and sensor based geo­spatial data integration with web based GIS services. He is interested in web technologies, sensor and crowdsource geographic data visualization and processing techniques. His past and current work highly focus on FOSS4G applications, as a result he has realized importance of FOSS4G. Therefore, he wants improve and extend his knowledge in FOSS4G development. So, He take the opportunity of joining GSoC 2017.
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