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Open Source Geospatial – Belgium ASBL (OSGeo.be)
Rue de la Croix de Pierre 13 box 2, 1060 Bruxelles
Enterprise number 0641.662.720

Convocation: Annual General Assembly
October 26th 2017, 17:25
At BEL, Tour & Taxis : Avenue du Port 86c/3002, 1000 Brussels


All voting, non-voting and even not yet members are welcome.
Please let us know via mail (board [at] foss4g.be) if you will be attending the meeting.
Please note that if you want to become a voting member, you need to send us your written request stating the support of at least two effective members.

In case you are not able to attend, please remember that every member can authorize in writing another member to represent him/her at the General Assembly.
Please let us know via mail (board [at] foss4g.be) if you will be represented at the meeting.


  1. Approval of the minutes of the previous general assembly
  2. Report about the activities between January 2017 - September 2017
    1. FOSDEM 2017
    2. GeoDevEvening
  3. Composition of the board (mandates will expire at the end of this year)
    1. New members
    2. Resignations
  4. Composition of the voting members (see call for voting members below)
    1. New members
    2. Resignations
  5. Preview until next General Assembly (first quarter 2018)
    1. Plan actions about activities, events and strategy (see call for activities below)
  6. Various
  7. Closing of the general assembly

Call for voting members

You want to promote open source software for Geospatial and be part of a great team ?
You want to invest your time and your know-how to help OSGeo.be ?
If yes, you should definitely become a charter member of our association !
To apply, send us an email (via board [at] foss4g.be) and mention the 2 persons who want to second your nomination.
We'll be happy to welcome you in the team !

Call for activities

Feel free to provide us (via board [at] foss4g.be) with all activities / events / ideas / suggestions you would like us to organize during the next month.
We want to make use of the opportunity of the General Assembly to discuss with all interested people about their areas of interest.

Johan Van de Wauw            Tommy Oozeer
President                             Secretary