Sandbox Page for transition docs
Description of current layout and installed software
Notes from Shawn on our PEER1 system:
- OS Version: Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 4)
- For most elements of system i tried to stay with the default redhat locations and red hat el 4 rpms installed from peer 1's up2date repository. Reasoning, the servers are updated automatically against this repository and supported by PEER1 - reduce sysadmin load on keeping packages updated by using packages not available through PEER1 repository
Installed software using up2date
- apache - httpd-2.0.52-28.ent.i386
- postfix - postfix-2.2.10-1.RHEL4.2.i386
- php - php-4.3.9-3.22PIDH.i386
- python - python-2.3.4-14.3.i386
- subversion - subversion-1.1.4-2.ent.i386
- mailman - mailman-
Red Hat EL 4 rpms installed manually (rpm -i)
- MySQL-client-standard-5.0.27-0.rhel4.i386.rpm
- MySQL-server-standard-5.0.27-0.rhel4.i386.rpm
- MySQL-devel-standard-5.0.27-0.rhel4.i386.rpm
- MySQL-shared-compat-5.0.27-0.rhel4.i386.rpm
- clearsilver-0.10.1-1.2.el4.rf.i386.rpm
- sqlite-2.8.16-1.2.el4.rf.i386.rpm
- python-clearsilver-0.10.1-1.2.el4.rf.i386.rpm
- python-sqlite-1.0.1-12.el4.rf.i386.rpm
Not specific to Red Hat EL 4 rpms installed manually
- MySQL-zrm-1.1.2-1.noarch.rpm
Source Install
- drupal-4.7.4.tar.gz
- phpldapadmin-
- trac-0.10.3.tar.gz
IP tables custom
rules must be written here or won't exist when system updated
System login and maintenance procedures
-- Note: if change root password must let PEER1 know the new password for backup/restore and tickets. i would prefer no root ssh login but, PEER1 needs root access.
Subversion maintanence
- subversion may lock if user ctl-c during checkout or checkout is interupted with an apache restart
- Need policy on who to contact and who can run 'svnadmin recover' as
priviledged access is needed (may need to stop/start apache to drop requests to repository before recover)
Authorization and authentication for OSGeo services
Backups (offsite, live, and otherwise)
- PEER1 is doing daily tape backup of entire system
Other backups
- MySQL being backed up every 2 hours with MySQL-zrm
* rsync backups, to /home/back then rsynced daily to other server ( /etc/ (daily) /var/www/html (daily) /var/lib/mailman (every 3 hours)
/var/lib/msql-zrm (every 3 hours)
- subversion backups
-via svnadmin dump to /home/back/svn_dump/ (every 3 hours)
- trac backups
-via trac-admin hotcopy to /home/back/trac_copy/ (every 3 hours)
Implementation of our virtual hosts policy and transition issues
FDO Repository Merge
$ svndumpfilter include --help Filter out nodes without given prefixes from dumpstream Usage: svndumpfilter include PATH_PREFIX Options: --drop-empty-revs Remove revisions emptied by filtering --renumber-revs Renumbe revisions left after filtering --preserve-revprops Don't filter revision properties --quiet Do not display filtering statistics
$ svndumpfilter exclude --help Filter out nodes with given prefixes from dumpstream Usage: svndumpfilter exclude PATH_PREFIX Options: --drop-empty-revs Remove revisions emptied by filtering --renumber-revs Renumbe revisions left after filtering --preserve-revprops Don't filter revision properties --quiet Do not display filtering statistics
$ cat fdoogr.dmp | svndumpfilter include trunk/Provider/OGR > fdoogr-merge.dmp
Node-path: trunk/www
Filter and merging into fdocore--------
---merge fdo trunk
---filter out trunk only $ cat fdo.dmp | svndumpfilter inclue trunk > fdo-merge-trunk-www.dmp
---search and replace trunk with fdo $ perl -pi.bak2 -e 's/^Node-path:\ trunk/Node-path:\ fdo/' fdo-merge-trunk-www.dmp
---load fdo's trunk now named fdo into fdocore $ sudo svnadmin load /var/www/svn/repos/fdocore < fdo-merge-trunk-www.dmp $ sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/svn/repos
fdo merge
Files Renamed:
fdo/trunk/www/index.html to fdo-index.html
Merge locations:
fdo/trunk/www to fdocore/trunk/www
merge fdo/trunk/www
$ cat fdo.dmp | svndumpfilter include trunk/www > fdo-merge-trunk-www.dmp
edit file and remove lines,
Node-path: trunk/www .... Node-action: add .... PROPS-END
$ perl -pi.bak -e 's/^Node-path:\ trunk\/www\/index.html/Node-path:\ trunk\/www\/fdo-index.html/g' fdo-merge-trunk-www.dmp
$ svnadmin load /var/www/svn/repos/fdocore < fdo-merge-trunk-www.dmp
merge fdogdal trunk
Files Renamed:
fdogdal/trunk/www/index.html to fdogdal-index.html
Merge locations:
fdogdal/trunk/www to fdocore/trunk/www fdogdal/trunk/Providers to fdocore/trunk/Providers
$ cat fdogdal.dmp | svndumpfilter include trunk/www/ > fdogdal-merge-trunk.www.dmp $ cat fdogdal.dmp | svndumpfilter include trunk/Providers/ > fdogdal-merge-trunk.Providers.GDAL.dmp
edit file and remove lines,
Node-path: trunk/ .... Node-action: add .... PROPS-END
Node-path: trunk/www/ .... Node-action: add .... PROPS-END
Node-path: trunk/Providers/ .... Node-action: add .... PROPS-END
$ perl -pi.bak -e 's/^Node-path:\ trunk\/www\/index.html/Node-path:\ trunk\/www\/fdogdal-index.html/g' fdo-merge.trunk.dmp
$ svnadmin load /var/www/svn/repos/fdocore < fdogdal-merge.trunk.dmp
merge fdoogr trunk
Files Renamed:
fdoogr/trunk/www/index.html to fdoogr-index.html
Merge locations:
fdoogr/trunk/www to fdocore/trunk/www fdoogr/trunk/Providers to fdocore/trunk/Providers
$ cat fdoogr.dmp | svndumpfilter include trunk/www/ > fdoogr-merge-trunk.www.dmp $ cat fdoogr.dmp | svndumpfilter include trunk/Providers/OGR > fdoogr-merge-trunk.Providers.GDAL.dmp
edit file and remove lines,
Node-path: trunk/ .... Node-action: add .... PROPS-END
Node-path: trunk/www/ .... Node-action: add .... PROPS-END
Node-path: trunk/Providers/ .... Node-action: add .... PROPS-END
$ perl -pi.bak -e 's/^Node-path:\ trunk\/www\/index.html/Node-path:\ trunk\/www\/fdoogr-index.html/g' fdo-merge.trunk.dmp
$ svnadmin load /var/www/svn/repos/fdocore < fdoogr-merge.trunk.dmp