Board Meeting 2017-12-23

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This board meeting is scheduled for 23 December 2017 at [1] through video call and follow up voting on Loomio.


Current items

  • roll call
  • appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
  • ...


Appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary

  • Attending: Jody, Angelos, Michael, Jeff, Astrid, Maria A, Vasile, Helena, Maria B
  • Presiding: Angelos
  • Scribing: Jody

Agenda Topic

Six hour meeting scheduled:

  1. Good morning / Agenda (30 mins)
  2. Review of State of Play (30 min)
  3. Draft Budget Read through (30 mins)
  4. Budget Expectations (1 hour)
  5. Budget Review (90 mins)
  6. Budget Finalize (30 mins)

Time Permitting

  1. Role of Board, by-law review, orientation (1 hour)
  2. Executive Positions (45 mins)
  3. Meetings schedule (frequency)
  4. FOSS4G vision by Board (video streaming, etc)

Good morning / Agenda

Establish the above agenda, making an effort to estimate time required for agenda topics. Discussion on priorities, can we do both budget and set executive positions in today's meeting. There may also be a possibility to meet next week.

Review of State of Play

Finance: Transfer from Boston complete, we have a healthy balance to work from in 2018.

Review of 2017 budget, and resulting spending.

  • UN: Some travel ended up under director travel.
  • How to handle FOSS4G 2019 request, under conference committee?
  • Any update on Bonn finances? Blocked on action item to set up an European bank account.
  • FOSS4G finance relationship discussion. We have enough to run 3-4 events at a loss.

Review of budget motions from 2017:

Discussion confirmed we have a contact person for each budget line item. We have an officer (project or committee contact) reporting during the AGM.

Draft Budget Read through

Budget Expectations

Budget Review

Budget Finalize


  • volunteer: action


MOT1: Motion to approve 2018 budget of $151600