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DRAFT Memorandum of Understanding 2018 DRAFT
DRAFT Memorandum of Understanding between DRAFT
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) and Amercian Geophysical Union (AGU)
DRAFT Initial MoU approved by the OCGeo Board of Directors and AGU ### ### in MONTH YEAR DRAFT
The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish a collaborative relationship between the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) and the Amercian Geophysical Union (AGU). Both parties to this MOU share the goal of helping share ### global geo-information with all communities.
The MOU will cover the following proposals and topics:
- To formally bridge the geophysical sciences, involving the fundamental areas: atmospheric and ocean sciences; solid-Earth sciences; hydrologic sciences; and space sciences communities, with the Open Source Geospatial *communities*.
- To promote the development related geophysical sciences Open Source Geospatial software [REPHRASING NEEDED].
- To work closely with the "Open GeoScience" and "Geo for All" initiatives of OSGeo, to help promote openness in education and research.
- To promote the distribution and use of open geo-data sets in all communities accorind to the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoprable, Reusable).
- To hold joint international workshops and conference sessions on open geo-data sets and Open Source geospatial software for the geophysical sciences.
This MOU will be reviewed biennially by both parties at which time revisions may be made and the agreement renewed.
Signed by
TBD Vice-President, OSGeo