FOSS4G2007 CodeSprint

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Back to FOSS4G2007...

Hapless Volunteers

Motivation and Direction

One of the great attractions to an international conference like this is a chance to show off your work. In FOSS4G 2006 there was a set of demo tables, that were used with some effect with a timeslot set up opposite other events ...

We can do better.

At OOPSLA they ran a seperate demo track, as an alternate series of presentations, this allowed for a range of expression: - slick marking presentations - interesting home brew - and everything in between

Depending on our goals we can consider two options (both with advantages): - Set up a "demo pit" with an overhead and some rows of chairs, along one side of the booth area. We will need to leave some space free so we can capture the interest of those walking by. The downside is we may annoy booths (or capture a crowd for them to feed off of). - Set up in a room (near the lunch area?) once again to try and capture the interest.

Ideas: - run a couple of projectors (so as one person talks the next can set up).

Schedule of Demos: - At OOPSLA they organized similar content together (both to allow direct comparison and to let those interested in a topic to mark off a block of time) - We will need to be sure not to conflict with the presentation program (setting up cool examples of GRASS opposite the GRASS track would not be a good thing)