Programming and GIS My computing experience, given my profile in science, is high. The operating system that I use daily is Windows, although sometimes I used LINUX if the situation required it. During my undergraduate studies I have used some general programming languages such as C, C # and other languages such as M through the Matlab IDE and its open source equivalent GNU Octave. Other languages that I have used in the past are SQL for PostgreSQL and PostGIS database management systems. Currently, during my postgraduate studies in big data analysis and visualization I am learning general and specific programming languages for this task like Python and R as well as javascript, html and css to generate static and dynamic visualizations in web browsers with the help of libraries specific as D3. In relation to the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), I also have great experience as a user since I am using them from my cartography and geodesy studies as well as in post-graduate work. In addition, I worked for more than a year at the Valencian Cartographic Institute (ICV), where I alternated proprietary and open source software such as ArcMap (ArcGIS) and QGIS for the generation of maps and metadata, georeferencing of historical cartography and Web Map generation Service (WMS) of said cartography. Regarding GIS programming, the last year of the degree I started in this subject with Python as a scripting language in ArcMap to develop small tasks that include algorithms for vector and raster data processing.