Board Meeting 2019-09-30
Revision as of 08:29, 30 September 2019 by Kalxas (talk | contribs) (→Community projects: pygeoapi logo funding approval)
This board meeting is scheduled 30 September 2019 at 16:00 - 17:00 UTC, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.
Current items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes
- Board Meeting 2019-08-24 Face to Face Meeting Bucharest 2019
- Board_Meeting_2019-09-09
- Community projects: pygeoapi logo funding approval
- Report from SotM 2019 in Heidelberg (Astrid)
- Presiding: Jody
- Scribing: Angelos
- Attending: Jody, María, Angelos, Helena, Michael, Astrid
Review and approve past minutes
Board Meeting 2019-08-24 Face to Face Meeting Bucharest 2019
- Meeting minutes not ready yet
MOT1: Approve meeting minutes from Board_Meeting_2019-09-09
- Jody: +1 initial motion
- Angelos: +1 seconded
- Maria: +1
- Michael: +1
- Helena: +1
Motion on Loomio:
Status: Passed during meeting
Community projects: pygeoapi logo funding approval
MOT2: Approve €34 for pygeoapi logo
- Jody: +1 initial motion
- Michael: +1 seconded
- Maria: +1
- Helena: +1
- Astrid: +1
- Angelos: +0 (as pygeoapi PSC member)
Motion on Loomio:
Status: Passed during meeting
Report from SotM 2019 in Heidelberg
- It was a great event with > 500 people from more than 68 countries.
- We had an OSGeo Booth together with FOSSGIS e.V
- We had a presentation on how OSGeo and OSm are connected