Board Meeting 2020-05-25
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This board meeting is scheduled Monday 25 May 2020 at 16:00 UTC through Jitsi, a record of motions is preserved on loomio and actions on osgeo todo issue tracker.
Current items
- roll call
- appoint meeting chair, meeting scribe/secretary
- Review and approve past minutes
- Approve FLOSSK Kosovo as official Local OSGeo Chapter (
- Discuss request from J. Neufeld to refund 100% of loss for FOSS4G 2020
- GitHub sponsors [1]
- Add more agenda items here...
- Presiding: Till/Astrid
- Scribing: Angelos
- Attending: Mike, Vicky, Angelos, Till, Codrina, Victoria, Helena, Astrid, Tom
- Guests: Besfort Guri (FLOSSK)
Review and approve past minutes
- Moved to Loomio
Approve FLOSSK Kosovo as official Local OSGeo Chapter
MOT1: Motion to approve FLOSSK Kosovo as official Local OSGeo Chapter
- Mike: +1 (Initial motion)
- Astrid: +1 (Seconded)
- Vicky: +1
- Angelos: +1
- Till: +1
- Codrina: +1
- Victoria: +1
- Helena: +1
- Astrid: +1
- Tom: +1
- Motion passed during the meeting.
- ACTION: Astrid tweet about the new local chapters @FLOSSK CHECK
- ACTION: Vicky: contact Besfort Guri and send information about the next steps
Discuss request from J. Neufeld to refund 100% of loss for FOSS4G 2020
- Discussion about the losses from the Calgary team
- We need a public request on the official board-mailing list and then vote on refunding the loss by OSGeo
- The costs for the travels of the board plus the TGP is more or less the same as the lost amount
- Request CC again for clearer rules for the future: Clear agreement on what OSGeo takes over and what not
- ACTION: Till contact Conference Committee CHECK
- Ask John to send an email to cover the losses to the board-list, then board can make a motion on Loomio and answer
- ACTION: Till will contact John and will explain the procedure CHECK
GitHub sponsors
- Discussion about the options and requirements about using GitHub sponsors functionality.
- GeoTools and pgrouting can be the pilot projects.
- Move action items to todo action list