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Cette page est la page de travail pour la traduction du document sur les projets de l'OSGeo réalisé initialement pour distribution lors du GeoEvenement 2007.
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Document PDF original : Lien vers document sur site OSGeo
Dernière version française réalisée : Draft 1 du 14 mars -
== Présentation OSGeo == Traduction par Gwenael (relecture Daniel M) Version anglaise
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation, or OSGeo, is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support and promote the collaborative development of open geospatial technologies and data.
The foundation provides financial, organizational and legal support to the broader open source geospatial community. It also serves as an independent legal entity to which community members can contribute code, funding and other resources, secure in the knowledge that their contributions will be maintained for public benefit.
OSGeo serves as an outreach and advocacy organization for the open source geospatial community, and provides a common forum and shared infrastructure for improving cross-project collaboration.
The following are the main software projects currently part of, or becoming part of, the foundation. We also have a few non-software projects that focus on supporting other initiatives that are important to our members.
Version française
L'Open Source Geospatial Foundation, ou OSGeo, est une association à but non lucratif américaine (de type loi 1901) dont la mission est d'aider et de promouvoir le développement collaboratif des technologies et données géospatiales ouvertes.
La fondation fournit des ressources financières, organisationnelles et légales à la communauté open source géospatiale. Elle sert aussi d'entité légale à laquelle les membres de la communauté peuvent confier du code source, des fonds, et d'autres ressources, s'assurant ainsi que leurs contributions seront préservées pour le bénéfice général.
L'OSGeo est une organisation qui apporte de l'assistance et plaide pour la communeauté open source géospatiale. Elle est un forum d'échanges, et fournit une infrastructure partagée pour améliorer la collaboration entre les projets.
Ce document recense les principaux projets logiciels qui font actuellement partie de la fondation ou qui sont en passe de la rejoindre. L'OSGeo compte aussi des projets non logiciels qui visent à supporter d'autres initiatives qui sont importantes pour ses membres.
Traduction par
Version anglaise
We collect, develop and promote educational material to support the goals of the foundation. By making this material available to academic, professional and other users, it strengthens the user and developer communities. The end goal is integrate OSGeo tools and curricula with courses on geopatial concepts and applications. New partnerships and contributors are welcome.
Version française
Open GeoData
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Version anglaise
We are committed to:
• Promoting the use of free and open standards for data exchange
• Promoting open licenses for geographic data
• Advocating for public access and contribution to national geodata
• Maintaining a repository of open-licensed data
• Providing support for educational packages
• Connecting projects to data holders.
Version française
Web Mapping Clients - MapBuilder
Traduction par Olivier E
Version anglaise
MapBuilder is a powerful, standards compliant geographic mapping client which runs in a web browser and is implemented using AJAX technologies. It allows you to easily add dynamic maps to your web site. MapBuilder... • Is browser based
• Uses OGC standards
• Can read WMS, WFS, GeoRSS & Google Maps data sources
• Supports editing map features
• Is easy to use, build and share maps via Web Map Context (WMC)
• Fast and interactive - using AJAX
• Works with most modern browsers
• Customisable and easy to extend
• Open source under the LGPL licence
Version française
Web Mapping Clients - MapBender
Traduction par Olivier E
Version anglaise
Mapbender is web mapping platform including a set of server-side management services that access OGC web service architectures. The end-user interfaces are highly focused and easy to use. Comprehensive interfaces can be created with features such as security proxying, digitizing, auto snapping and more.
• Uses the latest web technologies using PHP, JavaScript and XML
• Provides a data model and interfaces for displaying and querying OGC services
• Authentication and authorization services with a security proxy
• Management interfaces for user, group and service administration
Version française
Web Mapping Servers - MapGuide Open Source
Traduction par Daniel M
Version anglaise
MapGuide enables users to quickly develop and deploy web mapping applications and web services. It features an interactive viewer that supports feature selection, property inspection, map tips, and operations such as buffer, select within, and measure. MapGuide supports most popular geospatial file formats, databases, and standards.
MapGuide can be deployed on Linux or Windows and offers extensive PHP, .NET, Java, and JavaScript APIs. MapGuide Open Source is licensed under the LGPL.
Version française
Web Mapping Servers - MapServer
Traduction par Daniel M
Version anglaise
Version française
Image Processing and GIS - OSSIM
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Version anglaise
Version française
Image Processing and GIS - GRASS
Traduction par Cécile I
Version anglaise
Version française
Programming Interfaces - APIs - GDAL/OGR
Traduction par Daniel M
Version anglaise
Version française
Programming Interfaces - APIs - Geotools
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Version anglaise
Version française
Et les nouveaux ...
GeoNetwork Open Source
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Version française
Web Mapping Clients - OpenLayers
Rédaction par François Van Der Biest
Version française
Image Processing and GIS - Quantum GIS
Rédaction par Yves J ?
Version française
Image Processing and GIS - FDO
Rédaction par Gwenael
Version française A venir :-)