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This is a discussion of how a user (developer or end user) would use an ebRIM catalog for a simple use case and will hopefully assist the reader in evaluating the usefulness of the ebRIM metadata catalog. It is intentionally going to focus on the use case, rather than the technology involved. The only mention of technology buzzwords will be now in mentioning that the ebXML documents can be generated using a XSL stylesheet from OGC W*S services, and omar can be interfaced using SOAP, JAXR, or a RESTful KVPs.

Full details on setting up ebxmlrr (omar) with the ogc profile and PostGIS are available here http://ebxmlrr.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Community/ogc

Rather than going into usual use case scenarios of pre/post conditions, basic flow and alternative flow this document will story board the use case using screenshots from omar.

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