Revision as of 10:45, 3 April 2023 by Scottmchale (talk | contribs)
PROPOSED AGENDA : March 1, 2023
6.45pm: ONLINE LOBBY (https://meet.jit.si/OSGeoAlbertaChapterMonthlyMeetup)
- Phone: 647.243.6108 | MeetingID: 2203355915
7.00pm: Attendee Introductions: Stefan, Victor, Scott
Just a quick hit meeting. Victor mentioned needing help for georeferencing some jpegs for a work effort. He was not familiar with QGIS. We noted it had the capability and he took off, I believe, to begin working on that.
Stefan and I plunked the question into ChatGPT after the meeting and were able to send Victor some step-by-step instructions on precisely how to do it.
(Successful meeting!)
Some suggestions from the chapter for presentations include:
- Show us your side hustle
- Bring us your problems ( stuff you're working on and issues )
- teach something new ( OS Geo projects or other ).
Chat & any proposed Chapter business or initiatives:
This event is open to all. Feel free to bring your topics, projects, or presentations.