SAC:Updating Mantra

From OSGeo
Revision as of 01:07, 28 February 2025 by Strk (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Procedure to update the Mantra required for new OSGeo UserID registrations: 1. Update the mantra in the OSGeo SAC password manager (edit,commit,push) 2. Update the ansib...")
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Procedure to update the Mantra required for new OSGeo UserID registrations:

 1. Update the mantra in the OSGeo SAC password manager (edit,commit,push)
 2. Update the ansible-deployment password manager submodule (add, commit, push)
 3. Deploy the mantra: ansible-playbook deployment/deploy-ldap-web.yml --tags mantra --diff (
 4. Update [ TODO: have ansible do this ! ]
 5. Announce that the mantra was updated to the mantra-request address and to SAC mailing list