Osaka 2007

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Page for collecting thoughts for Japanese event schedule for Nov 9-10th, 2007 in Osaka.

  • Theme: Open Source Geospatial - Creative Tools for Creative Cities
  • Organized by: OSGeo.JP(OSGeo-Japan Chapter)
  • Sponsors:
    • Graduate School for Creative Cities, Osaka City University (OCU)
    • Applied Tecnology Co., Ltd
    • Orkney Inc.
    • Autodesk Japan

Tentative Schedule

  • Date: Nov. 9 2007 (Friday)
    • Session Chair: Venkatesh Raghavan, Osaka City University
    • 13:00-13:45 Lecture 1: What is OSGeo?
      • Tyler Mitchell, Executive Director, OSGeo
    • 13:45-14:30 Lecture 2: Greetings from OSGeo.JP (OSGeo日本支部挨拶)
      • Mori Toru Orkney Inc.
  • 14:30-15:00 Break
    • 15:00-15:45 Lecture 3: Web 2.0 and Open Source Geospatial in the Real World
      • Geoff Zeiss, Autodesk Inc.
    • 15:45-16:30 Lecture 4: GRASS GIS - Now and the Future
      • Markus Neteler, FBK-irst, Italy, Board Member OSGeo
  • 16:30-17:00 Break
    • 17:00-17:45 Lecture 5: Web Mapping applications: OpenLayers and PyWPS
      • Lorenzo Becchi, Omniverdi,Spain, Charter Member OSGeo
  • 18:30-21:30 Ice-breaker
  • Date Nov. 10 2007 (Saturday)
    • Session Chair: Kazunori Noda, OSGeo.JP Board Member
    • 13:00-13:30 Lecture 1: OSGeo.JP – Activity Report
      • Kazunori Noda, OSGeo.JP Board Member
    • 13:30-14:00 Lecture 2: How to Enjoy MGOS/MGAid - Application Examples (「ハウツーエンジョイ MGOS・MGAid+事例紹介」~編集系コマンドライブラリの実装事例~)
      • Speaker to be announced, Applied Tecnology Co., Ltd.
    • 14:00-14:30 Lecture 3: Open Source Participatory GIS Framework Using Man-Machine Interactions(マン-マシン・インタラクションによる参加型オープンソースGISフレームワーク)
      • Sarawut Ninsawat, Graduate School for Creative Cities, OCU
  • 14:30-14:40 Break
    • 14:40-15:10 Lecture 4: GEO GRID - An IT Infrastructure for Earth Science Research (GEO Grid: 地球科学研究のためのITインフラストラクチャーの開発)
      • Koki Iwao, Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
    • 15:40-16:10 Lecture 5: It's Simple!! Setting Up Open Source GIS in 30 Minutes!! (こんなに簡単!オープンソースWebGISを30分で立ち上げよう!)
      • Osamu Inoue, Autodesk Japan
    • 15:10-15:40 Lecture 6: Latest on PostLBS! - The Open Source Routing Engine (PostLBS最新情報-オープンソースで作る経路探索サイト)
      • Daniel Kastl, Orkney Inc.
    • 16:10-16:20 Break
    • 16:20-16:40 Open Discussion
      • Moderator, Mori Toru, Orkney Inc.

Stage Event (Morning of 10th Nov. 2007) outline

10 Nov 2007 (Sat.) 11:35-11-50 The following members are requested to be on stage. We have 15 minutes to talk about OSGeo to the general conference audience. 3 minutes for each would be too short. I think it maybe better one are two do most of the talking and also introduce others who will be on the stage. Any ideas?

  1. Tyler Mitchell
  2. Toru Mori
  3. Geoff Zeiss
  4. Lorenzo Becchi
  5. Markus Neteler

40 min Presentation outline

Tyler Mitchell

    1. Introduce OSGeo in general
    2. Present general structure and history
    3. Discuss ideas and sponsorship for local chapters
    4. Present mentorship as a means of professional development

Toru Mori

Geoff Zeiss

Markus Neteler

(still ideas state)

    1. General
      1. GRASS Features now and the future
      2. will recycle fresh material from Helena's Canada talk
    2. Applications (Examples of projects using GRASS/OSGeo software stack with some Urban application in Trento or elsewhere):
      1. UXB unexploded bombs risk map (GRASS and machine learning)
      2. MITRIS accidents project (GRASS, WebGIS, DB stuff)
      3. InterSOS Dafur refugees project (maybe)
    3. GRASS in epidemiology with remote sensing:
      1. tick-borne encephalitis
      2. tiger mosquito spreading (maybe)
    4. Technical issues
      1. new GRASS book, new OSGeo edu data set
      2. translation of GRASS and other GFOSS messages
      3. how to join OSGeo projects as programmer

Lorenzo Becchi

tentative program

  1. OSGeo Europe overview
    1. Rapid overview of all formed or forming Local Chapters
    2. Two special cases:
      1. GRASS in Trento: brief history of GRASS development with a note on local administration connection.
      2. gvSIG in Valencia: brief history of the project and relacionships with Comunidad Valenciana.
  2. GIS Book Tyler is this your stuff?
  3. Open Format Initiative
    1. to be defined
  4. Web Mapping applications: OpenLayers and PyWPS
    1. general overview of both projects and live example of inter-operation of WPS/ka-Map (Embrio) and WPS/OpenLayers (Wuiw) accessing GRASS functions

To-Do (Venka)

    1. Make copies of the FOSS4G2008 Poster for distribution