FOSS4G 2009 Get Involved
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You are excited to see FOSS4G come to Sydney and would like to get involved? Excellent. Here are some ideas and business drivers you can run past your boss.
OSGeo Geeks
Government Agencies
OSGeo's theme is "User Driven" and Governments are a big geospatial user, so this conference has a strong focus on you. Your agency will have a lot to gain by having employees rub shoulders with the best Open Source developers in the world, and having them help solve your problems in real time. So what can a Government agency do to promote the conference:
- Shape program. Have representatives involved in the conference organisation and setting of the program. Ensure the program includes issues of relevance to your organisation.
- Provide presentations. Present case studies and research. This will encourage other agencies to follow in your footsteps which will increase sponsorship in your technologies.
- Send attendees. I've heard of one organisation offering a trip to FOSS4G as a price.
- Supply Labs. Computer labs are very popular as they give people the chance to get their hands dirty trying out the latest technology. You may have access to computers which can be made available.
- Live CD. Effective use of labs require a common environment which can be installed easily and used by all. Development or sponsorship of this would be an excellent contribution which long lasting value.
- Promotion. Promote FOSS4G through your organisation and publicity channels.
- Sponsorship. Have your name associated with the conference through sponsorship or in kind contribution.