List of general TODO items for the Web Committee.
For specific tasks, please submit a detailed explanation
of the work to be done to our Project Tracker (you need to login there to submit a task)
Current Work
Short Term
- Add link to WebCom Project Tracker to site surround for "feedback".
- The "upload file" feature seems to insist on giving the error "The file is corrupt or has an incorrect extension. Please check the file and upload again." for any file I try. Am I doing something wrong, or..?
- "Upload file" feature is not working.. tried with jpgs and pngs always results in the above error. -- Mark Lucas
Medium Term
- Work on web site overall style.
- Organize translation volunteers.
- We need some mechanism(s) to ensure the folks realize material in the wiki is not authoritative. That it is essentially individuals working documents, not foundation policy.